Brown Rock Salt

Brown rock salt that complies to BS3247 specifications. A pure rock salt for thawing ice and snow that's NOT mixed with grit or sand. Ideal for de-icing paths, drives and car parks.
Grouped product items
Product Quantity Subtotal

Brown Rock Salt (Bulk Bag)


  • Grouped Thumbnail Text Bagged StandardBulk Bag (800kg*)
Subtotal is VAT included.

Brown Rock Salt (Poly Bag)


  • Grouped Thumbnail Text Bagged StandardPoly Bag (20kg*)
Subtotal is VAT included.

Brown Rock Salt (50 Poly Bags)


  • Grouped Thumbnail Text Bagged Standard50 Poly Bags (1000kg*)
Subtotal is VAT included.

Brown Rock Salt (25 Poly Bags)


  • Grouped Thumbnail Text Bagged Standard25 Poly Bags (500kg*)
Subtotal is VAT included.
* Approximate weights: Bulk Bags 800kg • Poly Bags 20kg • 25 Poly Bags 500kg • 50 Poly Bags 1000kg. The bag sizes are uniform, but the size, shape and density of the aggregate can affect the perceived volume.

The traditional brown rock salt from the salt mines of Winsford. It complies to BS3247 for the specification for spreading salt on highways for winter maintenance. A pure rock salt for thawing ice and snow that is NOT mixed with grit or sand like some other types of rock salt. It helps prevent accidents during the winter months by quickly de-icing pedestrian areas and where vehicles need access. Whether in residential or commercial settings. This is the cheaper of the two types of rock salt. If less salt residue is required then the White Rock Salt might be better for your requirements.

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